The academic athletic banquet happens once a year. It is a banquet where the student athletes with either 4.0, 3.0 and are about to graduate get together and celebrate being a successful student athlete.
Normally when you see any one of us on campus or on the field we are either looking like we just woke up probably because we had to go to class straight from 6:00 a.m. weights. If you have seen us on the field we are in a uniform and usually unrecognizable if we are dressed up and not on a field.
Getting to celebrate my last year with these girls is honestly the best thing I could ever ask for. They each have effected me in different ways that they probably don't even realize.
Brooke is technically a red-shirt senior next year because she broke her ulna while batting this year. She is someone who I can always count one, she will always be there no matter what and never seems to give up on people. I always know she will tell me how it is even if I don't want to hear it.
These are my catchers, they are the ones that put up with me the most during season. Whether I am doing bad or good they always know what to do to help. I know that if they can handle me throwing them dirt balls everyday and still love me then they can handle whatever comes at them.
We don't look half bad when we try.
I am so thankful that I got to spend my last year with softball and UCO with these girls (plus 13 girls that aren't in this picture). If it weren't for my team I wouldn't of been able to get through this year.
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